Our Catalogue

Please look thru our on-line catalog to see what we can supply for restoration and repair of your collector car.

Weatherstripping Exterior Rubber Interior Rubber
Wheels Rear Axle Service Brakes
Cooling Electrical Engine
Fuel Universal Joint Springs
Body Parts Accessories Front Axle

We carry a large stock of used rust-free sheet metal parts including front and rear fenders, running boards, bumpers, doors, tailgates, boxes, windshield frames, 15" and 16" wheels and hoods. We also have good 6 cylinder flathead engines and transmissions as well as various front and rear axles. Call us with your requests and see if we can help you!


Please Note

For a complete catalogue with prices please send $6.00 postpaid to "Peter Rabin" at Dodge City Truck Parts, 580 Victoria St, Port Perry, ON, L9L1R7, Canada. Residents outside North America please send $10.00 per catalogue.

This page, and all contents, are Copyright © 1999 by DODGE CITY TRUCK PARTS.